A pro-abortion "Catholic" group simultaneously reached new levels of wokeness and blasphemy by hiring this person to lead their outreach

Joel Abbott

Feb 1, 2021

There's a group of "Catholics" who thought it would be a great idea to start an organization dedicated to ... abortion.

That group then thought it'd be a great idea to hire a biological male who identifies as a trans woman to be their director of communications.

Here's Catholics for Choice's new hire, Charlotte Clymer:

"Catholics for Choice is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-equality org that centers marginalized voices," said Clymer, who claims to be a disciple of Christ.


Clymer is a U.S. Army vet who decided to start living as a woman in 2017. He's a popular far-left blogger who uses his woke faith as a club against any Christian who thinks our societal views of sexuality, gender, and abortion have gone absolutely off the flowerbedding rails.

Here was the press announcement from Catholics for Choice regarding Clymer's appointment.

"With a prochoice Catholic in the White House and unprecedented threats to religious freedom and reproductive rights coming from the Christian right-wing, Catholics for Choice has never been more pivotal," said the organization. "This team brings us the vision and expertise that will advance our thought leadership and activism in the spheres of reproductive freedom, gender equity, LGBTQ rights and Catholic Church reform."


Now that we have a cAtHoLiC president, expect bEliEveRs like Clymer and miNiStRieS like Catholics for Choice to be featured heavily. Expect also to be demonized if you hold faithful to the proper exegesis and historic hermeneutics of Scripture.

If you think my titling this "blasphemy" is a bit outdated or extreme, consider this: when God told the Israelites in Leviticus 20 that anyone "who sacrifices any of his children to [the god] Molech is to be put to death," the population of the world around the Exodus was less than 50 million people.

We currently abort around that many children worldwide each year (42-56 million depending on the estimate).

The very definition of "blasphemy" is to slander and profane the name of God.

The priests of Molech and Baal and Asherah has nothing on the priests of the modern abortion cult. The Hinnom Valley near Jerusalem where infant children were once slaughtered was metaphorically used as a reference to hell by Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Jesus himself, but even that blood-soaked valley couldn't fit the 800,000+ American children we discard each year.

In every sense of the word, that's blasphemy.

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